I have been hesitating for a long time whether to publish
this book. The content is so personal as a content can
possibly be. The text is compiled from the messages from
the other world, for I was given it as a present just before
the death of my spiritual master J.Z. I confess that tears
welled up in my eyes while first reading the text. I perceived
kind advice to his successor.
With love Tomáš Pfeiffer
THE HORIZON OF COGNITION - Tomáš Pfeiffer, Vladislav Šíma A way to unify the micro/macro world from the point of view of the Philosophy of Existence
The Horizon of Cognition is a result of transferring Zezulkas’s Philosophy of Existence into a seemingly distant area – physics.
It offers entirely new and unexpected view of a number of phenomena observed in experiments of contemporary physics, and not only physics.
The idea of the Horizon of Cognition touches upon many other fields, but this we will leave to the discretion of the readers themselves.
Zezulka’s Creative Four creates spacetime, including the time sequence that we can call causality. This brings us to the subject matter of the book, which contemplates the relation between three- and four-dimensional space at its practical interaction in any part of The Creative Work.
For the present, the publication is the most extensive source of verified information on alternative and complementary medicine (CAM), being remarkably successful in the international arena. It is an important aid for discussions with the professional community in this area. It can also make a significant contribution to negotiations with national healthcare regulators. Last but not least, it also provides the general public with essential verified information on the potential benefits of CAM for human health.
Ιωσήφ Ζέζουλκα - ΟΝΤΟΤΗΤΑ - φιλοσοφία της ζωής Είναι το ποιο εκτεταμένο ολοκληρωμένο έργο, είναι ο καθοδηγητής αυτών, που αναζητούν στην καινούρια εποχή, επισημασμένη με την ερχόμενη εποχή του Υδροχόου, που επιδρά στην γι τις επόμενες δύο χιλιάδες χρόνια. Είναι βιβλίο για αυτούς, που δεν θέλουν να προχωρούν με την ζωή σαν τυφλοί, αλλά αντιθέτως να γνωρίσουν τις νομιμότητες της και έτσι να προφυλαχτούν από πολλά λάθη. Ολοκληρωτικώς αποδεχτή μπορεί σημαντικά να επισπεύσει το δικό σας Πνευματικό δρόμο.
Tomáš Pfeiffer - A Life of Přinašeč (the Bringer)
The hundredth anniversary of Mr. Josef Zezulka’s birth in conjunction with the breakthrough year 2012 was the reason to tell the big secret of Prague for the first time. Bringer is born once every 2000 years. At the age of 33, his ability to connect to the truth of Existence awakens. He is always born before the forthcoming era in order to help people to get the era started. It is always extremely difficult to fulfil this faith. In the book you will find a description of a life journey of the one who has been implored and expected over generations. In silence, recognized by hardly anyone, he lived all his life in Prague.
Dear readers,
I have organised this collection of Josef Zezulka’s treatises which will, among other issues, clarify the work and philosophy of the biotronicist Josef Zezulka for the first time. I hope, as he did, that Josef Zezulka’s biotronics will become a part of healthcare with the aim to help those in need.
Tomáš Pfeiffer,
Josef Zezulka’s disciple and entrusted follower
Tomáš Pfeiffer - SPACETIME
Zezulka’s Creative Four creates spacetime, including the time sequence that we can call causality. This brings us to the subject matter of the book, which contemplates the relation between three- and four-dimensional space at its practical interaction in any part of The Creative Work.
The author of books that we have prepared for you is not a professional writer. In spite of it they are not a mere figment of an intellect. Betweentimes during a long temporal rhytm comes into the world the one who knows the genuine Truth of Being without reading or learning anything. Mr Zezulka is one of them and then the more precious his testimony may be. There's only a small number of healers in the world and Mr Zezulka is the one who has proved successful treating and stopping a malign process of tumor's diseases but not only them.
He has been living all his life in Prague.
Josef ZEZULKA - ESPIRITISMO Josef Zezulka nasceu a 30 de Março de
1912 na cidade de Brno, viveu e trabalhou em Praga. Em 1945, na altura de
Páscoa, aos 33 anos, a sua vida sofreu uma mudança extraordinariamente
misteriosa e inesperada. Ele viveu um estado extraordinário da consciencia
aberta. Ele o descreveu: "Como que me tivesse lembrado dalgo que já antes
tinha sabido, e depois o esquecera." Ele recebe duas dádivas. A dádiva do
espírito, o que é a de vir a conhecer a verdade da lei de vida sem estudar e
sem mediadores, e a dádiva da cura. O presente livro resulta da
dádiva do espírito, através da qual desenvolve a filosofia do Ser, e do outro lado
estabelece a biotrónica como uma disciplina curativa, um pouco mais tarde
torna-se um curandeiro, biotrónico-sanativo de fama mundial
Perante os médicos demonstra muitas vezes a sua capacidade de curar as doenças
mais graves, por meio do seu tratamento indubitável do cancro. Apesar da
atitude desfavorável da ideologia estatal ganha também o exito