Tomáš Pfeiffer - ? (Question mark)

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Tomáš Pfeiffer - ? (Question mark)

? (Question mark - online book)


I have been hesitating for a long time whether to publish this book. The content is so personal as a content can possibly be. The text is compiled from the messages from the other world, for I was given it as a present just before the death of my spiritual master J.Z. I confess that tears welled up in my eyes while first reading the text. I perceived kind advice to his successor.

With love Tomáš Pfeiffer

There are people who create and people who destroy. Unfortunate are those who destroy.

There are people who create

and people who destroy.
Unfortunate are those who destroy.

Everything in the world is in duality.


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? (Otazník)
Tomáš Pfeiffer - ? (Question mark)
Translated from the Czech original "? (Otazník)"
Published by © Tomáš Pfeiffer - Dimenze 2+2 Praha
Soukenická 21, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, 30th March 2021
www.dub.cz, ISBN 978-80-85238-84-6
All rights reserved. All text and graphics are protected by intellectual property law. No part of this publication may be reproduced, quoted, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or other, or translated into another language without the prior permission in writing from the publisher. Copying, modification or use in other electronic or printed publications are prohibited without the prior permission in writing from the publisher.
© Tomáš Pfeiffer, 30th March 2021

© Tomáš Pfeiffer. All rights reserved.