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A way to unify the micro/macro world from the point
of view of the Philosophy of Existence

Tomáš Pfeiffer, Vladislav Šíma


THE HORIZON OF COGNITION - A way to unify the micro/macro world from the point  of view of the Philosophy of Existence

Dedicated to Mr. Josef Zezulka.

This work has been created with the help of kind review and inspiring comments from

Prof. Jan Rak - quantum mechanics, co-worker of the CERN laboratory
Dr. Adolf Inneman - cosmic engineer, co-worker of ESA and NASA
Assoc. Prof. Günther Kletetschka - qeophysics, NASA co-worker
Dr. Martin Zahradník - quantum optics

Thank you!

“At the beginning of the 21st century, it seems that physics is increasingly being confronted with fundamental philosophical and existential questions. Quantum physics has opened the question of the connection between the observer’s consciousness and the observed reality, whereas modern cosmology touches upon questions regarding fate and the creation of the universe. This places science in a realm that previously belonged to religious, philosophical and spiritual teachings. I find that the book ”Horizon of Cognition“ opens up for the inevitable communication between the different ways of perceiving reality around us that have previously been divided to a certain extent. The concept of the cognition horizon offers an interesting view on phenomena happening on such different scales as sub-atomic and astronomical spheres. This approach of connecting purely scientific knowledge and a philosophical point of view has the potential to enrich our cognition of the world around us, including natural relations and  laws.”

Prof. Jan Rak - quantum mechanics, co-worker of the CERN laboratory

“In my opinion the book „Horizon of Cognition“ is amazing and interesting first of all because the thoughts and ideas contained here are based on the objective cognition of our world. This work creates a bridge between exact science and the philosophy of Existence, which has been founded and brought to us by the Czech philosopher Mr. Josef Zezulka. From the past we know, that the understanding of our world has always developed and changed together with the development of the culture of human race. Now, at the beginning of the third millennium we have the chance to get free from the past ideological and religious mainstreams, and look into the reality from the point of view of modern science, which has achieved an unprecedented progress in many ways during last hundred years. In spite of all this cognition we still seek the sense of existence – of us, but also of the whole world. And so, today we stand at the doorstep of a paradigm change, where the fading traditional values and way of thinking are creating space pro the birth of completely novel understanding. The scientific cognition will then naturally lead to eternal philosophy, which already now inspires the science of the future.

Therefore, I would like to recommend you to read this book of Mr. Tomas Pfeiffer and Vladislav Sima with all the interest, because our “Horizon of Cognition” can be extended in a never ending way.”

Dr. Adolf Inneman, cosmic engineer, co-worker of ESA and NASA

„The presented work showed an elaborate level of thinking with the goal to understand the connection between the micro and macro worlds using the unique principles of philosophy. The connection glue of these vastly different concepts was via fractals and incorporation of quadrupole as a base of the philosophical understanding of connectivities of the microcosmos and macrocosmos.

I enjoyed how the thought process flowed and resulted in demonstration that the motion definition and consideration of quantizing of macroworld was shown as the fundamental inter connection of important concepts of physics.“

Assoc. Prof. Günther Kletetschka – qeophysics, NASA co-worker

“In the never-ending pursuit of faster processors, more powerful engines and smarter artificial intelligence, we often tend to forget why we, as physicists, decided to dedicate our lives to science in the first place. We forget the moments of our youth and the excitement we felt standing beneath the glittering beauty of the mysterious nocturnal skyscape when, instead of impact factors and industrial applicability, our hearts carried only the pure desire to know and understand the secrets of the beauty that arched above our heads. Horizon of Cognition is a book that brings us back to exactly those most fundamental questions in our minds and hearts, questions to which generations of physicists before us have sought answers, and generations after us will continue to do the same.

Reading the Horizon of Cognition, I have been fascinated and shocked by the apparent ease and elegance of the understanding of even the most difficult questions of physics with such increasing levels of depth that are not at all common today. Looking at the infinite heaven vault of the universe, I wish that we do not overlook this in favour of processors, drones and cyborgs. We are perhaps witnessing a new revolution in physics.”

Dr. Martin Zahradník – quantum optics

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Tomáš Pfeiffer, Vladislav Šíma - THE HORIZON OF COGNITIONTomáš Pfeiffer, Vladislav Šíma – THE HORIZON OF COGNITION
Translated from the Czech original „Horizont poznání“
Published by © Tomáš Pfeiffer – Dimenze 2+2 Praha  Soukenická 21, 110 00 Praha 1  Czech Republic, 30. 3. 2020, www.dub.cz/en/,
ISBN 978-80-85238-27-3

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage or retrieval system or translated into another language, without prior permission in writing from the publishers.

Graphic design including fractal geometry images,  visual works © Tomáš Pfeiffer, Vladislav Šíma

© Tomáš Pfeiffer, Vladislav Šíma, 2020


© Tomáš Pfeiffer. All rights reserved.