The new time in human evolution has begun. It is the influence of Aquarius that is coming and today it is already bestowing many with a great power. Many people have already been feeling how little nowadays the schemas of Human Society suit the needs of further development. To this spiritual Spring, there even belongs a new centre, the Spiritual Centre, that is being created
here and now.
You are living in a beautiful time, which is only repeated once every two thousand years. It depends on every single one of you, and whether or not you will accept it. This is a matter of freedom, your own free will.
Our territory (The Czech Republic) is now actually illuminated territory. The territory, that is for now an island of calm, that is struggling less than other parts of the world; the territory in which 'today' there have been born a great many talented people - these people will have one great objective in this chosen nation, and also a responsibility: to help all others in the creation and development of a culture of spirit so that atrocities around the world can be reduced.
The barbarity is not only for us as human beings, but also the barbarity for all others. It would not be very ethical if we preoccupied ourselves, with only ourselves. Each of us; actually everything, is of one principle. Therefore, it is not possible to separate one part of the whole and become superior to other parts of the whole, because every part of the whole has its purpose, no matter where it stands. Whether you are 'great' or 'lowly', you have the same value and the same right for your own life.
Thus the time for the rebirth of Bringer came. The one who knows, who understands, and who reappears once every two thousand years. It is up to us all to recognise him by his thoughts; to seek what is for your benefit and also your mental and spiritual food. It would be very unfortunate to slip down to mere dogma and disciplining oneself, or taking this on-board without sensible verification. But conversely it would be very noble to begin creating constructive thinking; thinking that is creative and not just descriptive. To this effect the Spiritual University shall be helpful.
The University is the place where the doctrine of Humanity will be taught. And so, the first area of our education should consist of empathy; the ability to sympathise with others - that is actually the form of our humanity, our kind, peaceful attitude to all that exists. It should consist of philosophy and ethics, as a way of balanced behaviour, and other subjects.
The Spiritual University will be organised somewhat differently from the existing educational institutions, which up until now have been more devoted to the descriptive sciences and descriptive forms of education.
I presume that the time will come that young life will indeed be educated firstly in its humanity, so that later it can be educated in all other necessary areas, for example physics, chemistry, history and so on.
It is important to stop the misuse of learned knowledge by those of a low personal development, and this is always very unfortunate. I will mention the subjects that will be undertaken in the Spiritual University only marginally, but nevertheless, I will introduce some now.
We will be occupied with the theory about the genesis of that which we can see; that therefore means time and space. We shall ask for its bipolarity - thus for the creation of the matter and spirit. We shall give the reasons and think through why it is that we can say, all is just an idea, a vibration, an oscillating movement.
During this cognising study, we will also theory about timelessness as the representation of the time and infinity relationship that holds all times in a latent state.
We are going to talk about matter creation, the formation of the Universe, the phases of its formation, and also about the interconnection of spirit and matter as the first being, that was actually the first representation of life. In this, we will talk about its evolution, and the rules by which it becomes more and more advanced and moves through many stages of evolution from a primitive form of life until it becomes a human being. This led us to think about the questions, what are his objectives as a breed in the evolution.
We are going to ask about fatefulness, i.e. the theory about events. We will seek out the mechanisms that create that fateful event, discovering what the causes of these mechanisms are and what results ensue.
Again - finally - we shall prove that also in this area, everything is just an idea, not a human one, but another.
We shall explore the structure of being - its 3-into-1 basis; matter, spirit and vitality.
Each of these areas are, as a matter of fact, the same, and at the same time different, manifested in compliance with its character.
We are going to study the Law of Rebound, fatefulness, and we shall talk about the free will journey through the fates and about the forced journey, i.e. the journey made by the Law of Rebound. We will devote ourselves to the meditative techniques, particularly in the higher levels as the fundamental journey, the fundamental instrument of our Change. Well all that, which will be presented here, will not be the goal itself, but will serve to the only result; our Own Change.
We are going to examine the purpose of the mantras, tuning up and calming us down. We will learn how to tune ourselves up, how to calm down our mind to be good instrument for the desired. We are going to search inside consciousness, inward, and will learn in it to concentrate, to create 'inside fire', the fuel necessary for the journey. Every activity needs the creation of 'Internal Fire', the enthusiasm for the 'business', and this is rightly the energy that moves us forward.
Subsequently, there is of course a need to select the goals and directions that we would like to set-off in. As well, it will be necessary to work on our voluntary features that require cultivation of our will so that we will not be unnecessarily distracted from our objectives.
There will also be presented here, helpful and practical exercises for the chosen - namely those who will need this method of teaching. They will be informed first about the purpose of these practices, about their potential risks, and later will come the Practical Work itself. This will consist of breathing practices, where the student will be attuned with the rhythms of The Creative Work, to bring oneself into harmony with it.
There will be union with the fundamental powers of the Universe, that are always reserved for those who stand on the level that is there for them. We are going to learn how to gather powers and work with them. We shall also learn what conditions are required for the spiritual work to be the least disturbed and the conditions for meditation and other exercises.
We are even going to acquaint ourselves with ceremonies - the ceremony of service and baptism. Those from us, who may be gifted in biotronic healing, will be later lead in this healing branch as biotronic healers. Thus, if God allows, in later years there will be an increase of the hereby gifted people, to the benefit of the needed.
The University itself will be split into a few levels. The first one, level zero, is open to every living human being. Well, everyone who lives has the right to be educated in ones humanity. There are no age, sex or nationality limitations, or any others for that matter.
In the first level, there shall be present only those who think through their relationship towards other life, say to the extent that they change in their ways, including above all, dietary practises, and other areas.
It would therefore be best, if those alone, who do not consume bodies of other living beings, attended the first level of the University. Therefore, in this manner they do not create something that is in their case for their fatefulness already impermissible. This has its deep roots and spiritual reasons and it does not solely serve a single purpose requirement.
A Spiritual House is in the stage of preparation. For the present it exists as a project, and at the same time, it is available tangibly - this is the building of the Spiritual University. In its grounds there will also be sited a Biotronics hospital and a vegetarian refectory linked with a shop for food and other ecological products that are not chemically preserved. Even the hall to serve you, the attendants of the Spiritual University Byti, will be here.
Voluntary support is assumed and it will be very difficult to secure all the projects ambitions financially. The Biotronics healing never insists that any monetary charges be made, and so it will be the role of the refectory and shops business to contribute towards the Hospitals upkeep and the operation of the Lecture Hall.
If I may, last should come the Service Ceremony. Thus, I shall ask you for an absolute silence and relaxation. After the Service Ceremony will follow the musical fade-out of our gathering and then we say goodbye. I will be looking forward to our future get togethers where possible for you and I believe this will benefit us all.