The same applies to other realms:
We will perceive exactly the same division in the energetic realm just as we did in the material realm:
a.) inorganic energy
b.) organic energy
a – inorganic energy is the basic energy (electricity, X ray radiation, atomic radiation, magnetite effect, etc.).
b – organic energy is the basic energy + character of matter + psychic activity.
The basic energy + character of matter produce the organ energy (e.g. mitogenetic radiation – all radiation as a manifestation of life, – a manifestation of life processes).
The basic energy + character of matter + psychic activity produces the energy of whole organisms (incarnated beings – (creatures) of the whole zoological and also botanical series). The ratio of mental activity is more intense in the zoological series than it is the case in the botanical one. The psychic ratio also varies within individual zoological species according to the evolutional development.