What is the Creative Work?

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Tomáš Pfeiffer - ? (Question mark)

What is the Creative Work?

(What shall we understand by this concept?)

Our thoughts are expressed by speech that is not so perfect to express all exactly. I choose notions that we have to make well clear in order to be able to further proceed from these. In the past, other people maybe used for the same thought a different expression or locution. We all try to express ourselves in the best possible way. There is only one Truth. The question arises how one expresses it and how the other understands it, and to what extent and depth one's understanding can reach.

What will therefore be understood by the concept of the "Creative Work" was already said before. I only point out in brief that this concept was defined as a separated part of the Podstata. The Podstata is infinite and eternal. The space dimension and time in it are in a latent, – unmanifested form. Just as the movement and dynamics, which we call a life in the Creative Work, are in stillness and in eternal constancy.

The life in the Creative Work awakened. It permeated the separated Podstata part and livened up the motion in all the constituents of which it consists. The "Creative Work" is alive. It undergoes constant natural transformations according to the basic plan that is its destiny.

There is only one Truth.

There is only one Truth.
The question arises how one expresses it
and how the other understands it,
and to what extent and depth
one's understanding can reach.

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? (Otazník)
Tomáš Pfeiffer - ? (Question mark)
Translated from the Czech original "? (Otazník)"
Published by © Tomáš Pfeiffer - Dimenze 2+2 Praha
Soukenická 21, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, 30th March 2021
www.dub.cz, ISBN 978-80-85238-84-6
All rights reserved. All text and graphics are protected by intellectual property law. No part of this publication may be reproduced, quoted, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or other, or translated into another language without the prior permission in writing from the publisher. Copying, modification or use in other electronic or printed publications are prohibited without the prior permission in writing from the publisher.
© Tomáš Pfeiffer, 30th March 2021

© Tomáš Pfeiffer. All rights reserved.