A philosophical view of gravity and the dynamics of the universe

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A way to unify the micro/macro world from the point
of view of the Philosophy of Existence

Tomáš Pfeiffer, Vladislav Šíma


Chapter 4

The macro world

4.4 A philosophical view of gravity and the dynamics of the universe

A philosophical discourse on gravity from the perspective of the Philosophy of Existence can be found in Tomáš Pfeiffer’s book Spacetime + Gravity [2], which we draw on in this chapter.

There is one essential difference between the scientific and philosophical understanding of gravity:

According to contemporary science:
Gravity is proportional to mass (mass is primordial).

According to the Philosophy of Existence (based on its direct connection/observation):
Mass is proportional to gravity (the force is primordial).

Let’s see if we can find where the actual truth lies.

Contemporary science understands gravity as a manifestation of matter itself. As we explained earlier however, according to the Philosophy of Existence, there is nothing finite, solid or indivisible in matter.

As explained previously, we can therefore imagine matter, philosophically, as a thought structure whose distribution in space and time merely copies the location and motion of spacetime’s fractally structured force centres.

„Let us imagine, though, for a moment that matter itself is not a source nor a bearer or gravity; however, the way matter seems to us, not only in physical terms, is the result of the existence of immaterial force centres which, according to their quality and power, attract matter to themselves, regardless of whether towards atom structures or planetary systems etc. With this said, those centres structure the matter and make it visible.“ [2], page 43.

Science knows four fundamental forces/interactions/fields: the gravitational, weak, electromagnetic and strong interactions and tries to unify them into one – which is clearly the right way to go.

Direct philosophical observation shows us the activity of immaterial force centres, which (see [2], page 42) „resonates quadrupolely in time, creating four fundamental states of matter:

Positive force – centripetal gravity, its material manifestation is solid matter
Negative force - centrifugal, repulsive, its material manifestation is gas
Heat force - fast oscillation, its material manifestation is plasma
Calm force – cooling, solidification, slowing down oscillation, its material manifestation is liquid"

The quadruple resonance occurs simultaneously on all levels of the fractal structure of our world and expresses its dynamic manifestation. Its practical, observable consequences are, for example, the fluctuations of the gravitational constant G, which are otherwise difficult to explain [52].

This is all a direct consequence of the existence of the four poles, the fundamental building blocks of our world (see section 2.3.1 The origin of spacetime), which are also manifested in progression of time.

This thought is further elaborated upon in [2], page 44:

„According to how these immaterial power centres change under the immediate predominant influence, the matter – universe finds itself in the corresponding state. For example, today the cooling universe is – through positive gravity and cold – fully concentrated in planets, solar systems, galaxies."

The fundamental state of the universe is thus always given by the prevailing influence of one of the four regularly recurring phases. A quote from Josef Zezulka’s publication [1], page 14 follows to explain this further:

„There was a time when only gaseous, glowing, dispersed matter existed in the universe along with centres of force (non-material points of energy or magnetism with their own structure were moving around the universe in such a way and on such paths as today’s planets). They were the foundations of future planets in the form of energy. In the universe, centrifugal force governed – hence the material dispersion.

Just as inhalation follows exhalation, centripetal force affected the universe and replaced the ruling centrifugal force. The centres of force were then activated and began attracting the dispersed glowing gas towards themselves. Thus, the non-material centres of energy became material, though still gaseous planets. The gaseous planets through the effect of steady centripetal force condensed into glowing liquid matter and in this form they pilgrimaged on their predestined paths.

After a long period of time, but still in exact time rhythm, another influence became effective in the universe – this time it was the influence of peace and coldness. Glowing molecules of space matter were calming their vibrations under this influence, the matter of the hot and liquid planets began to cool down and harden slowly. On the liquid surface darker spots were appearing slowly (as today on the sun) – the first floating continents.

According to force rations in the universe, some planets were cooling faster, while others – those that were closer to the centres or were themselves the centres were cooling down more slowly. And so the process has reached our present time. We are living in a time of quietening of the universe – the time of its cooling.

(...) Time goes on. The planet will gradually continue to cool. Even the sun will go the same way. Life will be changing form and everything will be waiting for another impulse that will permeate the universe one day to claim power for a limited time. The cosmic influence of a new heat will come. All the planets will warm up. Their matter, which was divided into elements and compounds, crystals and rocks, and then became organic, will melt and become homogeneous again. Planets will be transformed into liquid, then gas but they will still exist in their specific existence. The era of fire and glowing will rule the universe. When its time passes, the centrifugal impulse will come again. Everything will disperse. Individual components of the matter will be repelled from each other. Only gas and immaterial centres of force will exist in the universe. But life cannot be lost. The centres of force will continue wandering on their eternal paths as planets and only the environment around them will change in the course of time.

One day, another centripetal impulse will occur, followed by others that are quiescent, fiery and eventually centrifugal again.“ (Josef Zezulka, [1])

Perhaps we can illustrate this in a very simple form as in Fig. 4.2.

The origin, dynamic of evolution and future end of the universe and regular alternation of the predominant force influence.

Figure 4.2: The origin, dynamic of evolution and future end of the universe and regular alternation of the predominant force influence.


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Tomáš Pfeiffer, Vladislav Šíma - THE HORIZON OF COGNITIONTomáš Pfeiffer, Vladislav Šíma – THE HORIZON OF COGNITION
Translated from the Czech original „Horizont poznání“
Published by © Tomáš Pfeiffer – Dimenze 2+2 Praha  Soukenická 21, 110 00 Praha 1  Czech Republic, 30. 3. 2020, www.dub.cz/en/,
ISBN 978-80-85238-27-3

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Graphic design including fractal geometry images,  visual works © Tomáš Pfeiffer, Vladislav Šíma

© Tomáš Pfeiffer, Vladislav Šíma, 2020


© Tomáš Pfeiffer. All rights reserved.