Chapter 4
The macro world
4.6 Dark matter, dark energy and the accelerated expansion of the universe
According to scientific ideas from the last century, the expansion of the universe was understood as being a relic of the initial spacetime expansion and that gravity would slow down this expansion in time. From the perspective of physics, the 1998 discovery that the expansion keeps accelerating was simply shocking [20].
This is difficult to explain without considering the existence of negative gravity.
In order to explain this phenomenon, we again quote from the book Spacetime + Gravity [2], page 44-45:
We can imagine that „the entire energy manifestation is likely primarily constituted of the energies from all these immaterial energy centres found in all material levels of fractal structures. This applies all the way from sub-particles of sub-particles to galaxies and universes. It is the sum of the infinite resonant fractal influences, while, cosmologically, matter at the atomic level may only correspond to a few percent of gravity and the rest is the fundamental superior immaterial power centre of the planet. (...)
Hence, the resulting state stems from superimposing the vast number of state levels interbound by the causal link law. The causal links are not fully recognizable within the linear plane of Euclidean networks, but only by applying the law of the horizon of cognition to the fractal system.
For example, let us take a look at a planet, our Earth for instance. It consists of atoms and compounds of various elements. Likewise, each atom has its own immaterial power (gravity) centre – a nucleus keeping electrons in their orbits by the means of positive gravity, similar to a solar system keeping its planets.
I deliberately omit other lower sublevels, since each atom component is analogically composed of more and more sub-components to infinity. This is also true in the opposite direction, towards the macro universe.
On the Earth’s surface, the Earth’s gravity can therefore be described by the fractal sum of atoms’ positive gravitations and the planetary elementary power centre, using the law of the horizon of cognition which incorporates the nonlinear variable – interval size – into the calculation. This resulting force interacts on the Earth’s surface with the atoms of Newton’s apple that led to the formation of gravitational laws, i.e. the external description of gravity, as a result of observation.“ [2]
We can look at the entire galaxy in this way, adding up the gravity of the individual stars, planetary systems and dispersed matter + the gravity of the galaxy’s fundamental force centre.
We can even look at our entire universe this way. The superior power centre, which determines the universe’s overall state, is fundamental here. But just as an inner observer will never be able to find the centre of our universe, for our observation, we can imagine that this force centre is spread all around us. Its activity is therefore “even”, i.e. entirely uniform in our observation. The rhythmical changes of the entire universe are then determined by the activity of this force centre.
„If we imagine a system interconnected by positive gravity as a group which as a whole carries another attribute – an attribute created by the group’s overall power centre that has negative gravity and that interacts with its surroundings – we can come to comprehend the phenomenon regarding the levitation of material objects“ [2], page 45, or the acceleration of the expansion of the universe.
And so, we can approach an explanation for the missing dark matter and dark energy.
As we tried to explain above, a philosophical view of the natural laws tells us that every consequence must have a cause, which is often hidden within it. For instance, we are surprised to find that the parity is violated in weak (and it seems also strong) interactions [54]. yet at the same time we are, quite rightly, saying that the world could not have originated without this violation.
Philosophy can easily explain this as a result of the law of duality (similar to the tunnelling phenomenon in the micro world). Everything that we perceive must necessarily have two poles in order for it to be able to exist at all (just as there is no magnet with just a single pole). And so every natural law must also encompass its own violation (!). As we are well aware, if parity was not violated in weak interactions, our world really could not have originated.
This might perhaps all seem a bit strange. If we take a stone and throw it, we move an infinite number of power centres with our random capriciousness (by our will). Yet even this is part of the universal order: chaos in 3D, which is order from a 4D perspective (!).