Chapter 4
The macro world
4.5 The origin and ultimate fate of the universe
How did the universe originate? We have already explained that everything that exists came to be through division. We can picture the beginning of everything as point zero (of time and space).
„There is no space, there is no time. There is Nothing and the Nothing includes everything, just in a different form. By dividing a part of it, this Nothing immediately explodes into another form – a manifested spacetime. In that moment, matter finds itself in a state of “superheated plasma”, a state of matter that is indescribable to our understanding (similar to how we cannot describe the state of matter at the centre of a black hole). Because at that moment, there is no material atom, molecule or planet in the entire universe, which is filled with this plasma.“ [2], page 46
The state of matter, when it is completely dispersed on all levels of the suband super-universes, when it is not found at power centres, could perhaps be described as a spacetime wave (as we explained it earlier). In this moment, matter exists only in the form of radiation. In the words of the Energy Wave Theory [46], there are no standing waves enclosed at wave centres when the universe is in this state. We only have waves propagating in space.
Yet despite this, wave centres do already exist:
„And yet, already at that time, nuclei of future planets are also in the power form and circle around immaterial power centres in space. In the very next moment, the positive gravitational force triggers the activation of these power centres in space. The still dispersed hot plasma becomes attracted by those centres in their eternal orbits – to a lesser extent by minor centres and to a greater extent by major ones. The first suns, planets and galaxies are being born in the material form of the emerging universe. The universe continues to live in accordance with its laws. Absolutely nothing is random, the structure and the order have existed since the very first moment of spacetime existence!“ [2], page 46
And so, in relation to this, we can again ask ourselves the philosophical question we mentioned earlier, if what is not true can be true.
Because of course, randomness only applies to an observer in 3D space – from a 4D perspective, all chaos and the horizon of cognition itself disappear.
„In another understanding of time (causality) all the states of the universe exist NOW in the fourth dimension. There is no past, there is no future, everything EXISTS now. Thus, the moment of birth EXISTS as the positive gravity concentrates the plasma into the form of still gaseous, hot pre-planets; there EXISTS another impulse in the immaterial power centres – an impulse of cold that creates solid matter of terrestrial planets as they cool down depending on their size (i.e. the activity of their immaterial power centres).
There also EXISTS the end of this cosmic era where there is only cold in the universe, and all suns burn out to their final state. There also EXISTS a subsequent phase, in which the planetary power centres’ heat force transforms the matter back into plasma that is still rotating in the location and shape of the former planets – under the present influence of positive gravitational force, which is immediately thereafter substituted by the opposite force – negative gravity (diffusion). This gaseous plasma diffuses again to the universe’s initial state. Another cycle is at the beginning...
This is how the universe and its psychic part (not a human psychic part) live.“ [2], page 47–48
Just as the universe once originated, it will also at some point end. Perhaps we can draw an analogy to exhaling (the origin of the universe) and again inhaling (the end of the universe):
„After an endless number of cycles, there also EXISTS the end of the existence of spacetime in manifestation; this happens by implosion of the duality created out of the initial division. The whole cycle of birth and death repeats in an infinite sequence as one of the manifestations of life of infinity.“ [2], page 48
What we consider to be the “Big Bang” is actually a process during which hot, dispersed matter started to concentrate into the areas of force centres and then cool down.
On all levels of existence, the dynamic of the universe is the consequence and manifestation of the resonance of the four force components: the centripetal force, the centrifugal force, heat and calmness. Since everything came into existence through the division of the original folded unity (point zero), everything is self-similar in all its forms, shapes and manifestations on all levels of existence; in a dynamic manifestation, it is synchronous in its seeming asynchrony (if we try putting several pendulum clocks into one room, after a certain amount of time the pendulums will synchronise [53]). In the chronology of time everything thus mutually resonates in spacetime’s infinite fractal structure and the resulting state is the superposition of an endless series of the four force components’ resonant oscillations. The oscillations differ in intensity, range and the period of the manifestation (imagine the superposition of all kinds of waves, including the tidal force effects, on a stormy sea).
It is primarily the manifestation of the four resonating forces, which results in the observed phenomena. Therefore, the current state of the universe is a result of when heat and dispersion was the prevailing force in the universe and free energy, under the influence of the emerging centripetal and calm component, withdrew to the power centres, calmed down – and particles and solid matter appeared. This is why the power centres, in their structure and state, are today able to interact according to our known laws of physics.
The dynamic manifestation of the quadrupole resonance contains the four forces and the alternation of antagonists (forces of the opposite sign), i.e. calmness (coolness) – heat and the centripetal–centrifugal forces. While the heat force disrupts the form (state) of solid matter, the centripetal force disrupts its concentration. These transitions between the antagonists then create very distinct divisions: not only in cosmology, but also our everyday lives – after all, the dynamics of the resonating force rhythms is manifested on all levels of existence.
Another consequence of the dynamic superposition is that our observations will yield different results at different times and in different places – see for instance the previously mentioned fluctuations of the results when measuring the gravitational constant.
What we perceive as cosmic microwave background4 is most likely a remnant from the previous ages of heat, dispersion and clustering, not from the actual beginning of the universe. The universe originated many, many cycles earlier. If we perceive the entire universe as a single quantum of spacetime, perhaps we can regard this radiation as a state function expressing the dynamics of its current energy state (an analogy can be drawn to the vibrational-energy state of a quantum particle here). Once the temperature of the cosmic microwave background reaches the horizon (i.e. absolute zero), the reverse process begins – the heat force emerges. The universe starts to contract and the temperature of the cosmic microwave background rises again.
Cosmic microwave background also contains information about the last age of heat. This is most likely manifested in its anisotropy, which we observe. And so, it is likely that this information is passed on between the universal cycles and thus the universe as a whole can gradually evolve (a new cycle does not begin from zero).
In conclusion, let us once more repeat the perhaps most important cosmological result of the philosophical observation of our world:
The manifestation of the immaterial skeleton of force centres determines the state of the universe we observe. Gravity is completely independent of matter! It is created by the FORCE skeleton of matter, of the universe. Matter only follows this force structure (as particles, sub particles and the entire universe).
4 Cosmic microwave background is microwave electromagnetic radiation coming from all directions of the universe. According to scientific theories, it could be a remnant from the period not long after the Big Bang. With the help of theory of black body radiation and recent measurements the temperature of the radiation has been determined as about 2.73K. According to the most commonly used cosmological models, this temperature was much higher in the early stage of the universe. As the temperature reached about 3000K, when electrons and nuclei started to combine, this radiation split from matter (matter became transparent to it). The temperature of cosmic microwave background keeps decreasing as the universe expands (thus characterising its size).