Psychoenergetic laboratory of professor Kahuda

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Tomáš Pfeiffer

A Life of Přinašeč

(the Bringer)


Later, the psychoenergetic laboratory of the former Minister of Education, professor Kahuda, was founded. The range of interest of this institute was wide. Many of the research tasks were properly discussed in front of the opposing scientific committee. But let us speak about that later.

In 1982, this institute carried out research in cooperation with the hospital in Vimperk, where the results of Mr J.Z.’s healing were observed in two terms.

Especially, one of the patients healed by Mr J.Z. became the center of attention of the doctors from all the surroundings, even obstetricians came to see him. And they had a good reason to. As you will see from the documentation provided and signed by a doctor from the hospital in Vimperk - Dr Pekárek - and Dr Martínková, who worked for the psychoenergetic laboratory and led the research there, having been authorized to do so by professor Kahuda in person.

According to the documentation, the patient was dying of a stomach tumor. The excretory duct from the large intestine was made for him so that stools could pass from his body. At that time, the patient was already completely exhausted.

Having begun the treatment, the patient started recovering very quickly; he began walking again, the excretory duct closed itself without any operation and stools started passing naturally via the rectum. There is only one expression for this – a miracle. After the first period of treatment, the patient left the ward fully recovered. Only a specialist can judge what a success it was.

Dr. Martinkova who led the experimental task in Vimperk on behalf of the psychoenergetic laboratory

Dr. Martinkova who led the experimental task in Vimperk on behalf of the psychoenergetic laboratory

The treatment of other Mr J.Z.’ patients also brought remarkable results as you can see from the documentation.

Mr J.Z. during his healing of a patient in Vimperk hospital

Mr J.Z. during his healing of a patient in Vimperk hospital

Here, you can see some reports from the hospital in Vimperk. We must take into consideration that the results stated there were achieved during a very short period often with diagnosis lasting even for years. From this perspective, these are often remarkable results.

The copy of the scanned original - the original follows the text

The report on the bioenergetic healing in the ward of internal medicine in the Vimperk hospital, planned in the period from 1st March to 14th March 1982

Healer’s name: Josef Zezulka

Patient’s name: Rxxxxxxxxxx

Date of birth: 31st May 1943

Number of the medical report: 3476

Diagnosis: CA ventriculi

Place of healing: the ward of internal medicine in the Vimperk hospital

Doctor’s name: Dr Jitka Martinkova

Date of healing:

1) 1st March 1982 

2) 2nd March

3) 3rd March 

4) 4th March 

5) 5th March 

6) 6th March 

7) 7th March

8-14) the research discontinued

Healer’s signature:    Doctor’s signature:

Patient: Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Diagnosis: CA ventriculi

A stomach carcinoma, the state after colostomy. The patient is exhausted, complains about diarrhoea, stomachache, has not got any appetite, sleeps badly.

The first healing - 28th December 1981. The patient slept calmly after the first healing, on the second day, diarrhoea ceased. He is still very tired. His pains are continuing.

29th December 1981 – diarrhoea is relieved, the patient slept well, in the evening, he felt pressure in the area around the orifice

30th December 1981 – feels hungry for the first time, tiredness is disappearing, his pains are being relieved as well

31st December 1981 – the patient feels overall fresh, tiredness has disappeared, his appetite has improved significantly, his pains are being relieved

1st January 1982 – diarrhoea has ceased completely, the overall state in improving quickly. There are signs of the fast epithelization of the after-operation wound.

2nd January 1982 – the epithelization of the colostomy is continuing quickly, the orifice is practically closed, the stool is leaving the body through rectum again.

3rd January 1982 – subjectively, the patient is without any problems, his tiredness has disappeared, he feels fresh, walks, the colostomy has closed

This series of healing has finished

2nd March 1982 – during two months, the patient’s condition deteriorated significantly, the patient is cachectic, he has had strong pains, vomited, was not able to eat, therefore, it was necessary to proceed to a surgery – anastomosis. He perceived radiation during healing, he feels very tired and still has diarrhoea. His appetite is bad.

3rd March 1982 – diarrhea has ceased, he slept well.

4th March 1982 – his appetite is better, the patient had diarrhea after milk.

5th March 1982 – after healing, he felt quite fresh, slept in the afternoon. Diarrhoea has ceased again. The scar in the middle area is partly open. He perceived radiation markedly even through his pyjamas.

6th March 1982 – his appetite is still improving, he feels gradually fresher and fresher

Further healing therapy has been discontinued.

Conclusion: temporary improvement during healing, the definitive evaluation will be given after the end of the therapy.


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A Life of Přinašeč (the Bringer)

A Life of Přinašeč (the Bringer)  - Tomáš Pfeiffer
Translated from the Czech original Život přinašeče(ISBN 978–80–85238–60–0)
Published by © Tomáš Pfeiffer - Dimenze 2+2 Praha, 21, Soukenická, 110 00 Prague 1
Printed in the The Czech Republic
30th March 2012
www.dub.cz/en/, ISBN 978–80–85238–76–1
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronical or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage or retrieval system or translated into another language, without prior permission in writing from the publishers.
© Tomáš Pfeiffer, 30th March 2016


© Tomáš Pfeiffer. All rights reserved.