He was never given permission to exchange foreign currency, neither did he get permission to travel abroad. He was not even allowed to go to the Soviet Union when he had been invited by docent Iňušin, who had asked the Czech Ministry of Healthcare to enable Mr J.Z. to conduct research there.
Dear colleague,
In reply to your letter from 8th July 1970, I inform you that we have been researching the area of bioenergetics of entire organisms for five years under my supervision. We study various kinds of acceptance of stimulation of essential metabolic processes in the organism by means of soft electromagnetic irradiation with the aim to treat the ill. Extensive experimental materials on the features of bioplasma have been received. Detailed results are stated in publications. In the clinics of the town Alma-Ata, new methods in the treatment of the ill are being practically used.
We would like to meet you and other specialists from Czechoslovakia in our town and we would like to exchange experience and establish close cooperation in this new research field. My colleagues and me would like to visit Prague with the same purpose.
I am sending you two publications. Perhaps, it would be suitable to publish the theses in the Czech language, which could be arranged by the Ministry of Healthcare, to enable profound studying of these to Czechoslovac specialists.
I am grateful to you for your letter and I am awaiting your further information.
Yours sincerely,
Associate Professor of the Kazgoz University
V. M. Iňušin
A translation of the original letter, which arrived at the Ministry of Healthcare in August 1970
On 3rd May this year, the Rector’s Office of Charles University turned to the local faculty with the letter n. 3409/71/Sh-E II/3 referring to the letter from the Associate Professor, doctor V. M. Iňušin, the Head of the section of Bioenergetics in the Kazakh Soviet Republic, asking us to help our researchers organize cooperation in this branch.
Josef Zezulka, an experimenter in the field of bioenergetic therapy, is a member of the Czechoslovac scientific researching team. Therefore, I recommend that the appropriate ONV (Regional National Committee) takes the fact into account and confers the right to be allocated a study on Mr Zezulka, a researcher. Furthermore, I ask employees of other institutions to support his activities, if possible.
Associate Professor, Doctor Jaroslav Suchý
The deputy to the Dean for Scientific Studies
In Prague, 9th November 1970
Comrade regards
Dr Rostislav Kocourek
Dear comrade
Josef Zezulka
25, Jindricha Plachty Street
Prague – Smichov
What happened then was this: Doctor Rejdák, who was the head of the research center, kept postponing his departure. J.Z. asked why it had been taking so long and he got the answer that the permission to exchange foreign currency had not come through yet, etc. In the end, doctor Rejdák travelled abroad with a certain person Mr B. who was probably an agent of the secret service which could be inferred from the fact that he is said to have been detected by the Swiss counter-intelligence during his following mission and sent back to Czechoslovakia. Nevertheless, this information is not sufficiently verified.
However, this was not the only experience with doctor Rejdák. He organized an international psychotronic congress in Prague where lecturers from a lot of countries around the world had presentations. Even top scientists involved in psychotronic research in western countries participated in the congress, naming especially the coordinator of this research for the western part of the world – American Dr Stanley Krippner and professor Parker. This was during the period when intensive research conducted both in the West and in the East, showed tendencies of finding out what the other side was working on.
In 1973, Mr J.Z. also gave a presentation at the congress. His speech and demonstration of distance healing for the whole auditorium was a great success. Therefore, it was very surprising when his presentation was not published in the collection. Dr Rejdák even presented Mr J.Z. under the Russian name of Krivorutov in the Czech press. When Mr J.Z. objected to him in person, he said: ‘You know, we have to keep hiding behind the Soviet Union.’ In the end, Americans enforced a subsequent subsuming into the collection. In those days, he became well-known worldwide, he was presented due to the fact that he had demonstrated his excellent healing abilities at the congress in Prague.
He made contacts with remarkable healers from Russia, Mongolia, America, England, Peru, and with representatives of scientific research. Specialists and scientists from America, Russia, Peru, England, Iceland, etc. tried to get in touch with him. Shortly after the congress, where Mr J.Z. met professor Parker, Mr J.Z. carried out distance healing from Prague to the USA on professor Parker’s patient. The patient was monitored during the healing process over the ocean in a hospital in the USA. The trial experienced a great success, healing was registered. Mr J.Z. published his treatises in international publications. Among others, they were published at psychotronic congresses in Monte Carlo in 1975 and in Tokyo in 1977 but of course, he was not allowed to give a presentation in person for obvious reasons.
a hand of an ordinary man / the healer's hand
The difference between the normal and strong radiation of the vital force in the photo.
This radiation is used for healing.
Mr Zezulka's photograph taken by Mr Kirlian
‘What is such a spiritual journey, then? The journey upwards means changing oneself, changing one’s opinion, one’s attitude towards everything because when we have to act, we have to act from our particular position, it is not possible to do it another way. – I cannot give you the journey directly into your consciousness. I can only tell you about it, point it out, give you instructions how to go on it, however, you have to create your journey yourselves. If anybody else were to do it instead of you, you would not get any further. You would only believe or reproduce something and that is too little.’
A copy of the supplement of Sunday’s newspaper Práce, issue n. 27 from 7th July 1973, page 5
The author of the article was provided with the information by Dr Zdeněk Rejdák. He masqueraded Mr Zezulka as A. E. Krivorotov from Tbilisi.
Mysterious energy
A lying patient, relaxing as much as possible, is concentrating their thoughts on the part of the body where their illness is. A doctor is touching their skin with his palms and the ends of his fingers and some sort of vibration gives the information about the ill organ to the fingers…
Yes, this looks like legendary healing by putting hands, which has been connected with mysterious tales since the times of the ancient Incas and Egyptians and has been accepted sometimes with strong belief, sometimes with rejection and mockery. However this time, it is a strictly scientific experiment, one of those, through which A. E. Krivorotov from Tbilisi studies possibilities of Bioenergetic Therapy. The Soviet researcher concludes from his experiment that the ill organ becomes the point of intersection of two currents of energy when applying this method: the internal and external currents. The healer brings external, additional energy into the patient’s organism and such energy arouses new feelings in the patient and these activate patient’s internal energy. During the healing process, the patient feels some sort of pins and needles in the place of the contact, this feeling is sometimes accompanied by the perception of warmth. Bioenergetic healing has succeeded in eliminating or easing health problems of a number of patients suffering from functional diseases of the nerve system and also some internal diseases. Outstanding results can be achieved with children. A photographical method developed by the Kirlians’ couple is a breakthrough, which even enables to take pictures of the demonstrations of bioenergy.
In laboratories of a university in Paris, doctor Yvone Duplessis is testing another unusual procedure, which is not treatment but it can substitute for a missing sensory organ to the handicapped. The blind can see! Seeing without eyes is based on the procedure that a card with geometric shapes, later with whole syllables is placed in front of the blind person’s face -the left part of the face being more sensitive. After intensive training, which requires full concentration, the blind, themselves, discover an ability, which stays hidden to people with normal sight – paroptic vision. Without help of eyes, they can recognize letters of syllables and words, partly colours. What can be developed quite easily by the blind is dermoptical perception when they can recognize colours by the touch of their fingers. It has turned out that various colours induce the feeling of different temperature or density in their fingers. The red colour even attracts the hand directly.
We could meet Alexej Krivorotov, Mrs Duplessis and other 250 world scientists in Prague in the second half of June. The committee of applied kybernetics of the Czech technical scientific company initiatively called a unique international conference in Prague. Researchers of various scientific branches, who study a strange form of energy, arising during cognitive processes and impulses of will, gathered there for the first time. Demonstrations of this energy often used to be shrouded in occult superstitions and only recently, an inter-discipline scientific branch, which studies these phenomena by modern, exact methods, has started to be formed. This way psychotronics has been established…
A contribution to the collection of an international conference
Bioenergetic healing
If we ask ourselves the question what an illness is, we can say that this is a contravention of the balanced state, homeostasis. This contravention results in the loss or the flabbiness of the natural immunity of the organism against external and internal influences. The flabbiness of the internal (vital) forces of the body causes weak, bad or chaotic functioning of internal organs.
I am giving my opinion which arose from the learning during my healing activities:
The human organism consists of three basic components:
1) The somatic component
2) The mental component
3) Vital forces
According to this breakdown, we can understand human illnesses and also the ways how to ease them. We can fall ill and an insufficiency will be demonstrated in any of the three components mentioned above.
1) In the physical area, there are infectious illnesses, malnutrition diseases which arise from insufficiency of some vitally important substances, e. g. vitamins or proteins and finally changes of organs or their partial decline, innate malformations, injuries, conditions after injuries, etc.
2) In the mental area, there are deviations from the normal state, e. g. schizophrenia.
3) In the area of vital forces, there are diseases which we will be most interested in. These are illnesses which are basically caused by the disproportion, flabbiness or chaos of vital forces, the perturbation of the centers of vital force and the deformation of the lines of force through which organs mutually influence one another.
Everything, which is alive, has its own system of vital forces corresponding to the characteristics of the particular zoological or botanical species. Each species is different, the lower its evolutionary stage is and the simpler the species is, the simpler the system of vital forces is. The most complex system of vital forces belongs to humans nowadays.
Living beings of a lower evolutionary stage whose behaviour is more instinctive are probably able to regulate their state of vital forces themselves. It is well known that if in the vivarium…
(the full text is given in the book Zezulka's Biotronics here)
The report for the second conference of psychotronics
An opinion of a healer
Bioenergetic healing is entering healthcare slowly but surely. By bioenergetic healing I mean direct and conscientious passing of human vital forces from a competent healer on a patient with the aim to eliminate the illness. I think that this is the oldest branch of healthcare, however, it has been forgotten by majority of people in the world and neglected by those who knew it. Nowadays, it is being developed again and its core is being verified by new scientific discoveries.
It is only medicine which has been helping man in his illnesses officially. It functions through pharmacotherapy developing bodily reactions, or disinfects, removes ill tissues with a knife or disturbs them by destructive radiation, improves deformations, supports healing, etc. Bioenergetic healing differs from medicine by its core and character. A healer influences the bioenergetic bodily system, supports bodily resistance, equalization of homeostasis by the transfer of their own vital forces.
There is a possibility resulting from the substantial difference between these two branches of healthcare that in some cases a healer may view a particular illness differently from a doctor. A healer may also have a different attitude to it and may have a different opinion about its character and also different healing experience, of course.
In my healer’s experience, I got the knowledge which I consider important. This is the knowledge of curing cancer by a healer. Doctors have not been able to cure the illness as they do not have a suitable medicine yet. Therefore, quite rightly, they focus on saving the patient by removing all the cancer cells or try to destroy them by radiation or in some cases, they slow down living processes in tissues by cytostatics and prolong the patient’s life this way.
On the contrary, a healer can, to a certain extent, which is given by their healing quality and quantity values, create or influence the curative process and work towards the patient’s recovery. Then, they can also observe what interferes with their work. In my healing activities, lasting for 29 years, I have been helping patients with cancer with proportional results, which are connected to various circumstances, for more than 20 years. I learnt soon that…
(the full text is given in the book Zezulka's Biotronics here)
The report for the 3rd conference of psychotronics in Tokio 1977
Bioenergetic diseases
Josef Zezulka – Czechoslovakia, Prague
If we hear the word energy, majority of us associate it with electricity, radiation, a magnetic field, etc. We even do not take into account that we have been studying only one kind of energy which can be called inorganic. It comes in useful in industry, we can shine and heat with it but we also use it in healthcare.
When we use inorganic energy in healthcare, it nearly always means a destructive effect. It is used for removing, disturbing, destroying everything which is necessary to destroy in order to bring a benefit to health or to save a human life. Thus, its usage is prevailingly destructive and it hardly ever has a constructive and curative effect.
On the contrary, organic energy is appearing in the scientific field instead of inorganic energy.
It is a kind of energy as well and yet, it is different. It has been known only very little about that, however, this is without any doubt that it is much more complex and the theorems and rules which are valid for inorganic energy cannot be fully valid for organic energy. The difference between organic and inorganic energies is similar to the difference between organic and inorganic substances.
Organic energy is constructive for a living body. We call it BIOENERGY or VITAL FORCE. It belongs to a living organism and it is an inseparable part of everything, which is alive. It will be good to get accustomed to this new breakdown and to distinguish between these two kinds of energy.
The perfect knowledge of this energetic element and all the bodily system of vital forces, in which biologic energy is organized in the body, brings a more perfect opinion about a disease and its etiology. What is the most important is that it will clarify some illnesses which are resistant to the treatment by pharmacotherapy because in their origin, a disturbing bioenergetic agent prevails there. As it is not possible to influence a hurt bodily system of vital forces by medicines, such diseases resist to doctors’ effort.
In the area of healthcare, there appears a new element which has not been taken into consideration until these days. In the beginning, this is coming, as usual, very cautiously and unofficially but its way into the near future is open.
Biologic energy exists. It creates physiological and also pathological disorders in the body, it is driven by changes and it makes changes itself. It creates the bodily system of vital forces which can be attacked by an illness in the same way as the body or the mental component.
We have to take it into account in normal and also disordered states. However, this is not enough. Considering the contemporary knowledge, scientific ethical code and responsibility to the humankind, it is our duty to solve how to use it against diseases, how to gain this energy and how to apply it in a therapy.
As a biotronic healer with a long experience of energetic illnesses, I have got this opinion:
Man consists of three components. These are:
1) The body
2) The mental component
(the full text is given in the book Zezulka's Biotronics here)
Mr J.Z. gave a lecture at the hotel Intercontinental on request of a group of scientists who had landed in Prague, purposely, on their way to Budapest. He answered the participants’ questions there. A man, whose task it was to conduct measurements of the healing force, was a member of the team. After a few trials with Mr J.Z. he wrote: ‘immeasurable’ – so big was the force.
You can imagine, for sure, what reactions this private lecture for western scientists drew from the notoriously paranoid communist regime.
It was then, that photograph of Mr J.Z., in which he is standing next to his alcohol burner, was taken. On a plate, which he would use for healing, he set a piece of paper on fire and he ‘washed’ his hands in the same way as he normally used to do during biotronic healing. The flame was hiding between Mr J.Z.’s hands. What is incredible is the fact that his hand is partly transparent in the photograph and the flame is visible through it. It is said that a similar effect has been registered only once in Tibet.
Isn’t it astonishing that you can find the highest spiritual master in Prague and not in Tibet?
If a thought of a deceit has happened to cross your mind, please remember a saying: ‘I judge you according to myself.’