Since everything that exists, everything that develops – the whole of the Creative Work with its life is in the fundamental “Creative Four”, this Creative Four must also be involved in the course of the development of a being. After all, development belongs to life and hence its rhythm must unquestioningly be a part of it. In fact it is. Let’s now have a glimpse at the evolution of the inner being.
The evolution of a being takes place in four phases, which correspond exactly to the Creative Four. It is the manifestation of life and substantial evolution of the inner being:
The first phase is characterised by the passive manifestation of life and passive evolution.
In the second phase there is already active manifest ation of life but still passive evolution.
In the third there is active manifestation as well as active evolution.
In the fourth one there is active passivity.
A being begins its first life as the most primitive creature (we can say a virus). It is a life with plant characteristics, it follows the plant evolutional line for a long time and incarnates gradually into higher and higher plant species. It is characterised by passivity. The being does not make any decisions in this phase of evolution. During the course of subsequent reincarnations it obtains qualities but all of plant character. It lives passively and influences its surroundings only by its existence. Passively, it occupies just the locality necessary for its life. When the life of a stronger plant emerges next to it and this stronger plant gradually takes over its environment, it falls to life’s pressure. Protective life forces are automatically stirred up and mobilised by the hostile impulses from outside. Other external impulses are just observed passively. It is known that a higher plant responds to many outside impulses, the material as well as vital and psychic ones. It responds telepathically to human thinking or to his overall qualitative influence – it means the radiation of overall human value. And not only to human, it detects influential values of other animals and plants, too. The higher a plant is on the evolutional scale, the wider range of perception of vital and psychic qualities it renders. But it is just perception which proves its value in the inner life of the plant and which does not exert great activity towards its surroundings. We can thus say that the first vegetable phase of the life of a being is characterised as a predominantly passive manifestation. As far as the evolution is concerned, it is also passive. It is carried by the oscillating law of reflection; the vegetal being has no influence on the progress of its evolution.
The first phase is thus characterised by a passive manifestation of life and evolution. Its character corresponds to the centripetal force of the Creative Four, which I label as E*. Everything is concentrated towards inside of a being. The being is created and strengthened.
One day a turn in the being’s life will come. It is an important milestone which separates its existing life style from a new one – radically changed one. In a highly developed vegetal being a new revolutionary element – activity of life – begins. The being moves from plant life into the animal kingdom. Animal life is obviously very primitive in the beginning but there is already one’s own movement and thus the first decisions. It is perhaps life as low as that of an amoeba, or even lower, simply the lowest form of animal life.
This is the time of great crisis. A quality of revolution is ushered in. Its life changes revolutionarily as well. Even though the revolutionary quality of decisionmaking is only minimally exerted, it is something new, unusual and previously unimaginable. A being does not employ it very courageously but it becomes accustomed to it through the course of its reincarnations.
The first decision is the lowest one. It is just a matter of deciding whether to move left, right, up or down. In the course of more reincarnations other animal qualities come. The being grows, constantly reincarnates to higher and higher lives as described earlier. The manifestation of its life is active but its evolution is still passive. Within this phase the being cannot yet influence it. It is fully under the control of the law of reflection, which moves it towards greater perfection.
The second phase is characterised by the active manifestation of life but still passive evolution. Its character corresponds to the force of fire of the Creative Four which I label as A*. In this phase the being obtains vitality, enthusiasm for life, activity and increased oscillation of its thinking.
Now it moves through the long evolutionary line of animal lives up to man. And here there is another turning point, which separates the second from the third phases. Man is the first being in the line of creatures who, besides the active manifestation of life, also possesses the first, until now primitive and weak quality which lets him take part in its own active evolution. His judgement has been enhanced and widened. He has obtained new qualities which allow him to increase the possibility of a deeper understanding of the laws of life; his intelligence has also been strengthened. Still, while the being is human, it is nothing but an initial and very primitive element of the evolutionary activity, but mankind, as we can see around us, is very proud of his intelligence and considers it as something which is already the highest and unbeatable. Currently – in the period of time in which we now live, we are the last link of the evolutionary line and there is no higher evolutionary level of being to which we could compare our own level. And that’s why we are so proud about our “intelligence”. However, this is not important. This is just a sigh exhaled by a man who can see human stupidity around him, which can lead not only to self-destruction but perhaps even to the destruction of the entire planet. It is also a sigh for things that hold back man’s spiritual evolution.
Upon entering the third phase we have the possibility of putting the law of reflection to peace. We cannot avoid the law. This is impossible as it is the law of life, it accompanies every living being and it doesn’t matter whether the law is exerted in its life or not. The law will continue to accompany the being and it will intervene every time the being does not understand correctly, or at all. It has guided the being’s evolution until now but from the beginning of the third phase it will just adjust it. Initially, when a being is incarnated into human life, the law applies strongly, but about mid-life its activity begins to fade. This is because a more developed man exerts his evolutionary activity more. The influence of each evolutionary phase interferes with the next phase at its frontier. That’s why it is not possible to state whether the first incarnation in human line belongs to the end of the second phase or whether it is at the beginning of the third. In the first human incarnations there is still strong intervention of the law of reflection but it gets weaker further on. The evolutionary activity is manifested rather slowly. A man does not even realise it at first. But about halfway through the human incarnations he starts to become interested in the fact that there is something more than that presented to us by our few weak senses. At first he only notices nature and he is sometimes a bit confused. He tries to explain various natural phenomena in his own way and he starts to be afraid. He does not understand the natural laws and his fear leads him to humbleness. He wants to classify nature and understand it somehow. He usually imagines various gods whom he serves and pacifies. He makes sacrifices to them and tries to live in a disciplined manner. Then he starts to tolerate certain religious beliefs. He starts searching them and his way of thinking becomes superficial and often naive religious thoughts. In later incarnations he is no longer satisfied with the blind faith of the lower religious disciplines and his curiosity grows. Later he balances his “I know and I believe” and sets on a more active and purposeful path of change.
Until now, his “I” was prevailingly influenced by the period. At present prevailingly centripetal. He was interested in himself, in his change, he was standing in the position of his “I” and he was taking care of himself. He saw his aim in his own happiness and in improving himself. He was searching for various religious disciplines and his ideal was in his own happy state of mind. Here, the centripetal force of the first phase and enthusiasm of the second one was still being exerted. The oncoming third phase carries a new evolutionary influence.
One who has crossed half of the human incarnations and who approaches the border past which he will reincarnate into an evolutionary species more developed than human (at present this form is not yet on our planet), already places himself in a higher position than where his person is. He understands his “I am” more impersonally and thus in a centrifugal way. He learns and understands higher laws to get closer to the understanding of “I am everything that exists” He balances his “I know and I believe” and he strives for to balance his qualities and learning. In simpler words, his higher influence of the third phase strengthens him.
The third phase is thus characterised by the active manifestation of life and active evolution. Its character corresponds to the centrifugal force of the Creative Four which I label as I*.
Here man begins his evolutionary activity. After numerous human incarnations he is reincarnated into a higher zoological evolutionary species which is still not here in our time but which will be here in future. Then he proceeds into more and more advanced species. In the future he will go through many more evolutionary species and will slowly approach the fourth – last phase. This is characterised by active passivity. It lies for us in the enormously distant future and beyond many and many new evolutionary species. The minds of the beings in this phase will blend with each other more and more until they are completely one, they will negate duality, time, dimensions, multiplicity and draw closer towards understanding themselves as everything. For us it is hardly comprehensible. We have as much chance of understanding this as a plant has of understanding an animal. We can only guess, we cannot understand.
The fourth phase is thus characterised by active passivity. Its character corresponds to the rest force of the Creative Four which I label as U*.
Towards the end of the fourth phase the being will be in such state of mind when it is everything that exists, anytime and anywhere. It is that state of full unification with the Creative Work which is immediately before fusion with the Podstata. Analogically it is the end of one breathing rhythm which manifests itself in various areas (breathing of a man, planet, solar system, universe etc.) as life. It is the lawfulness of the Creative Four – the Creative Work – the existence. Upon recognition of this lawful and logical evolutionary progression, a man moves closer to the truth and further away from the naďve imaginations of certain imperfect doctrines, or doctrines damaged by ignorance.
To promote a better understanding we can demonstrate these evolutionary processes graphically:
I – Passive manifestation of life and passive evolution
II – Active manifestation of life and passive evolution
III – Active manifestation of life and active evolution
IV – Active passivity
Somewhere around this period of evolution, man emerges.